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Giving Back: FE Active and ISANS

Being part of a global community is an important part of running a business. Many times, business owners become focused on making profit, undercutting their competitors and reveling in their success. Too many times they forget the true purpose of their business: helping others by providing a useful product or service.

FE Active is committed to remaining grounded as we continue to grow. Being able to contribute to our global community is of vital importance to us, and it continues to remain a central focus throughout our company's existence.

Although our gear is designed for those exploring the "great outdoors", our Journey Forward sees us helping others who can't (yet) enjoy these luxuries - those forced out of their homelands as refugees. In October 2021, we had an opportunity to work with Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS) to lend a hand, and help their vital work in Eastern Canada.

Who is ISANS?

Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS) Head Office, Nova Scotia, Canada

ISANS is a provincially run organization within Nova Scotia, Canada that helps refugees and non-native speakers adjust to life in Canada. Programs include Resettlement Assistance, Nova Scotia Health, Family Support, Employment, and English Language Help.

A lot of their services focus on those coming to Canada under distressed conditions. Thankfully other services like information and orientation, strength-based & solution centered counselling, referrals to internal and external resources, advocacy, follow-up, crisis intervention and trained interpreters exist to help makes this transition easier.

Lending a Helping Hand

Despite being a Government Funded program, many organizations like ISANS don't have the funds needed to provide those in need with all the resources that could help. Our Director of Client Relations, Joshua Baltzer, had the opportunity to connect with this organization on behalf of FE Active LLC as we engaged with his home city of Halifax.

Learning that ISANS was struggling finding enough space to house larger families, he was able to make our donation of $1000 of Jasper Camping Cots in person to the in-field workers in the city of Halifax to aid with their mission. During this hands-on community connection mission, he learned that a series of 9 apartment rooms were temporarily provided to those families who faced lodging uncertainties when coming to the country - many of which had large, multi-generational families.

With apartment rentals only having one or two beds, many of the families contended with bedding shortages, and forced children and parents to share a space. The donation of FE Active cots has provided an additional sleeping space for each apartment, and has made the lives of those coming to the country a little less stressful, and a little more comfortable.

FE Active is proud to be a supporter of government, humanitarian and military aid groups across the globe. If you belong to a group that is in need, or know of an organization that could benefit from gear donations like this, please leave us a comment below.

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